Home Actualités Eventi MRS Management Italy attending #HRInnovationForum
MRS Management at HR Innovation Forum

MRS Management Italy attending #HRInnovationForum

- Publié le 7 Fév 2019 par G.Houeix

MRS Management Italy will be attending the HR Innovation Forum. This event is a conference for HR professionals, taking place in Bologna next 14 March 2019.

The HR innovation Forum will be focusing on some of the major trends in talent management in 2019.

The seminars will cover the concepts, strategies in the HR world, but also the real case studies and best practices from state-of-the art speakers.

The HR innovation forum is a great opportunity to acquire actionable insights and skills about innovation and talent management.

The MRS team will be happy to meet you on our stand in the exhibitions area.

For  more information: https://www.hrinnovationforum.com/

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